When fullscreen mode has been exited map center shifts
wingertjp opened this issue · 4 comments
wingertjp commented
When fullscreen mode has been exited map center shifts
jfirebaugh commented
I don't see this effect on http://leaflet.github.io/Leaflet.fullscreen/. Could you please provide a minimal self contained demo that shows the issue?
wingertjp commented
jfirebaugh commented
Maybe I'm missing what you're talking about, but I don't see the center changing there either. Also, it's not what I mean by "minimal self-contained demo" -- I mean a standalone example on JSFiddle or similar that doesn't have any application-specific code. (My time is limited, so in exchange for it I ask that you make it as easy for me as possible to determine if this is actually a bug in Leaflet.fullscreen, or something else -- bug in your application, browser bug, etc.)
wingertjp commented
Ok I'll post a self contained demo soon, thx for your reactivity