Move Full Screen Button to Bottom Right
Stephen-Jawahar opened this issue · 3 comments
Stephen-Jawahar commented
Is there a way to move the full screen button to a different position other than the default top left of the leaflet map. If there is a way can someone explain it to me. Thanks
Stephen-Jawahar commented
Hi, I am new to this, do I need to change the position type in the node module code itself or is there a way to change it dynamically for each instance when it is used. If there is a way to change it dynamically for each instance of use in an application, can you give me the code to implement it that way.
IvanSanchez commented
Experiment with other leaflet controls (e.g. L.Control.Layers
, L.Control.Scale
) and see how they're put in other corners. It's the same for the fullscreen control.