
Broken link for reseting user password

kwielo opened this issue ยท 4 comments

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Issue Summary

Link for reseting user password doesn't have schema, it starts with //


If this was sent in error, you can ignore this message.

To reset your password, visit this address: //localhost:8000/admin/login/reset/?username=USER&token=84325b15d6dbaf881a594c41654405e7786d8c8726c40abe5484fdecd5564097e40d0e51ea0f4794ac82deff1a1624da9545

It makes it unusable as a proper link.

Steps to Reproduce

Tell us how to replicate the problem.

  1. Go to login page
  2. Click on recover my password
  3. Put your user name and click Continue
  4. Look for an email in your inbox with a broken link

Additional info

  • Postleaf version: master (74b5522)
  • PHP version: 7.0
  • Affected browsers: n/a
  • Operating system: n/a

Provide any additional information that may be relevant to the bug here.

This was broken in c9a3c0a. I'll see what I can come up with for a proper solution.

If we want to send an email, we call Postleaf::url(true).

public static function url($withProtocol = false) {
        $protocol = empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http' : 'https';
        // Get the hostname
        $hostname = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        // Determine if Postleaf is running from a subfolder
        $subfolder = self::subfolder();
        // Get args and prepend subfolder
        $args = func_get_args();
        array_unshift($args, $subfolder);
        // Remove empties
        $args = array_filter($args, 'mb_strlen');
        // Glue them together
        $path = implode('/', $args);
        // Convert backslashes to forward slashes
        $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
        // Remove duplicate slashes
        $path = preg_replace('/\/+/', '/', $path);
        // Remove preceding slash
        $path = ltrim($path, '/');
        // Generate the URL
        return ($withProtocol) ? "$protocol://$hostname/$path" : "//$hostname/$path";

That will reintroduce the same issue we saw with #57. It also doesn't account for the other URL functions that are wrappers for Postleaf::url().

Protocols have been added back to the URL generator, along with a new method to detect SSL.

The old SSL check seemed to work for 99% of environments, and adding the isSsl() method will make it easier to adjust for edge cases.