
Add UnifiedPush support (ntfy, nextpush, up-fcm, etc...)

Closed this issue · 5 comments

It could be useful to add ntfy support for the push notification to save battery, especially for those that already have several application that using it (element, fedilab, find my device etc...)

yes, is needed a binary hosted somewhere, but there are already several public instances that someone can use, or the official one


I can't promise an ETA, but I will certainly look into it :)

p1gp1g commented

I think your asking support for UnifiedPush : that's the protocol used by ntfy to forward notifications to other apps. (ntfy is an UnifiedPush distributor).

By supporting UnifiedPush you'll let users to use your app with the push system they want : ntfy, NextPush, Conversation (or fork) or any other.

For more information, you can read this blog post: https://f-droid.org/2022/12/18/unifiedpush.html

So, I think you should edit this issue title :) (/ntfy/UnifiedPush/)

I'm closing this ticket. The CLI version has it's own repository. To keep up to date with this topic please follow this issue.