
Crash after uploading a file into ownDrop

ElyFornoville opened this issue · 7 comments

When I upload a file it crashed after uploading the file and retrieving the URL.
File attached.
schermafbeelding 2014-09-25 om 14 23 52

Is there any fix for this?


It's a duplicate of #18. It has been fixed a few days ago, I'll publish an update tomorrow evening, since I don't have my keys here at works.

Thank you!
Do you have any idea when this update will be published?

Sorry, I've totally missed this! My biggest apologies. The update is published!

Thank you.
But the crash is still there.

I upload something.
It still crashes when I try to select the file to create the download link.
Also the download link is a URL that uses and old server setting I entered the first time I used the app.
I changed de server address but the created links still use the old one.


Please completely uninstall it once, with an application like AppCleaner and install the newest version again. Enter all your settings and try to use it.
If it crashes again, please get me the crash log.

Fixed in 0.8.0. Just update it.

Thank you.
All seems to work perfect now!