
Deeplink : Trouble with various variants build in LeanplumPushService.activityHasIntent

toanvc opened this issue · 0 comments


Currently our project has some variants: release, dev, etc. Let say my application package is "com.test.app", and applicationIdSuffix for dev is "dev".

So context.getPackageName() for the dev build would be com.test.app.dev . In LeanplumPushService.activityHasIntent(), it queries all activities qualified for the intent filter. And one activity from our project has that intent filter, it is com.test.app.activity.DeepLinkActivity. Look at the activity name you can see it doesn't contain "com.test.app.dev", it's meaning that Leanplum understanding this intent doesn't have any Activity from our app qualified and won't open our deeplink activity.

I think this might be an issue from Leanplum Sdk because our code is expected to work in all variants build.


  • Version: Leanplum SDK 4.0.4
  • Platform: Android
  • Subsystem: Android 8.x