
Make chessboard setup more efficient

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Right now each square is initialized to an empty piece in Board.__init__. Then, in Board.setup, each square is looped over and potentially replaced with another piece.

We can probably do that all in one go, and halve the work we need to do for setup. I'm thinking about moving the "which piece goes on this square?" logic to Square.__init__, which already has access to its row & column

wouldnt that make init more messy? also, we can use the current setup for a 'play again' prompt after a winning condition is fullfilled

Delegating the logic to Square.reset and calling it in Square.__init__ instead of blindly assigning a NonePiece, we can solve both problems! If we do it right, we can simply go:

# in Board
def reset(self): 
  for square in self: 

And Square.reset will contain the logic for deciding which piece to place.

i see. i like it, but how do you plan to assign default values to the squares?

What do you mean default? If you mean the blank square, that will be in the plethora of ifs in Square.reset

you call reset on square, right? how does square know what it should reset to?

Yes. Because Square has row and column properties!

so you give square a self.default with the setup logic? sounds good.

Oh, I see what you're saying. So basically cache the right piece after Square.reset figures it out, right? That way Square.reset can be like:

def reset(self): 
  if self.default is not None: 
    if self.row == 1: self.default= Pawn(WHITE)
    elif self.row == 6: self.default= Pawn(BLACK)
    elif self.row in (0, 7): 
      color = BLACK if self.default== 7 else WHITE
      if self.column in (0, 7): self.default= Rook(color)
      elif self.column in (1, 6): self.default= Knight(color)
      elif self.column in (2, 5): self.default= Bishop(color)
      elif self.column == 3: self.default= Queen(color)
      elif self.column == 4: self.default= King(color)
  self.piece = self.default

(Man, GitHub is not a good IDE)

yeah. otherwise that'd be setup but more complicated

Ok. I'll get to work on it and open a PR.

Closed with #17