
Please update to Minizip v1.3.1

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Please update to Minizip v1.3.1. It is available in Mark Adler's GitHub at https://github.com/madler/zlib/tree/develop/contrib/minizip.

@noloader Thanks for the report, I'll check it when I'll time (currently I have few)

I dunno which minizip version I'm using (saggy I know) but my version uses AES encryption while the one you are referring does not have it. So I would say no to your request because I've a (saggy) fresher version. Would be better to track the HEAD of minizip-ng but I cannot: the API has changed too much this will not compile and this is long-time known problem concerning our lib. I'm close feel free to reopen it in case of.

Note: updated with #8 with this commit Lecrapouille/minizip@4bc21ff