
Transaction type not supported

antazoey opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello! I am trying to make typed transaction (EIP-1559) using the Python and ledger app but I am struggling to get it to work.

The error I get on the device is:

0x6501  # Transaction type not supported

As far as I can tell, I am just passing 2 as the transaction type...

I have no tried enabling debugging yet because I am not an app develop for Ledger but that may be the next step because I am not sure what is wrong.

Ok I have concluded that I am not correctly encoding the transaction. Still exactly what to do about it! Though

One request I have is to make the example for signed transaction better? a.) There is no comment on the part that is the EIP-1559 example (I had to look at the old PR to conclude this), and b.) The example does not show how to the transaction got encoded, like how the old school transaction example does