
MATIC returns wallet address from wrong network (ETH instead of Polygon)

budzinski opened this issue · 1 comments

Ledger Live Version and Operating System

  • tested on Ledger Live Ledger Live 2.36.2
  • Platform and version: Windows 10

Expected behavior

When selecting MATIC on Polygon network to receive tokens address should be given on Polygon network.

Actual behavior

When selecting MATIC on Polygon network to receive tokens address on ETH network is given.
When used tokens goes into ETH wallet leaving Polygon one empty

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Create ETH wallet and Polygon wallet
  2. Click receive and select MATIC on Polygon
  3. Address is expected to be on Polygon network but is on ETH network and when used result is as:

Same bug is for Binance Smart Chain.
When selected to receive funds actual address is given of eth wallet.