
rETH (Rocketpool staked ether) price incorrect

jmcook1186 opened this issue · 2 comments

Ledger Live Version and Operating System

Ledger Live 2.37.2
Ubuntu 20.04

Expected behavior

I expected to see the price of rETH in agreement with the etherscan token tracker 0xae78736cd615f374d3085123a210448e74fc6393.

Actual Behaviour

The price shown in the Ledger Live app is inconsistent with the price shown by the contract token tracker and other souyrces such as CoinGecko. For example at the time of writing the price according to etherscan is $2800. However, LedgerLive displays the rETH price as $2084. The contract address linked in Ledger Live is the correct one.

I experience the same. Issue of price deviation still persists in Ledger live in Euro settings, deviation is slightly less.

Same issue here. Contract address is correct so I’m a bit confused.