
getWalletPublicKey with {verify:true} throws UNKNOWN_ERROR for non-standard paths

landabaso opened this issue · 0 comments

Try to get an address from a non-standard path:

import Transport from '@ledgerhq/hw-transport-webusb';
import AppBtc from '@ledgerhq/hw-app-btc';
const btc = new AppBtc(transport);

const { bitcoinAddress } = await btc.getWalletPublicKey(
    verify: true

This will throw this error:

TransportStatusError {name: 'TransportStatusError', message: 'Ledger device: UNKNOWN_ERROR (0x6a82)', stack: 'Error\n    at new TransportStatusError (https://loc… (https://localhost:3443/dist/bundle.js:13491:58)', statusCode: 27266, statusText: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR'}

It will not fail when using verify: false.
But it will show the following WARNING asking to use verify: true.
Note I used one of the paths (M/199'/0'/1'/0/88) in the WARNING in my example.

Btc.js:143 WARNING: Using deprecated device protocol to get the public key because
        * a non-standard path is requested, and
        * verify flag is false
        The new protocol only allows export of non-standard paths if the 
        verify flag is true. Standard paths are (currently):


        followed by "", "(0|1)", or "(0|1)/b", where a and b are 
        non-hardened. For example, the following paths are standard

        The following paths are non-standard

        M/48'/0'/99'           // Not deepest hardened path
        M/48'/0'/99'/7'/1/17/2 // Too many non-hardened derivation steps
        M/199'/0'/1'/0/88      // Not a known purpose 199
        M/86'/1'/99'/2         // Change path item must be 0 or 1

        This compatibility safeguard will be removed in the future.
        Please consider calling Btc.getWalletXpub() instead.

I'm using latest versions of Ledger app and JS libs.
Ledger Nano Bitcoin app Version 2.0.2

    "@ledgerhq/hw-app-btc": "^6.24.1",
    "@ledgerhq/hw-transport-webusb": "^6.24.1",

BTW, what does verify do? I could not find it in the documentation.
Should it ask the user to confirm that this is not a standard address on the device?

Or is it trying to deliberately verify that this is a standard path? And if not then throw an error.
If this is the case, then I'd suggest to document it and throw something that it is not UNKNOWN perhaps.
