
Failed to fetch list problems and stuck on fetching user data

aditya1819 opened this issue ยท 1 comments

๐Ÿ› Bug Report

I am login in to leetcode US version using the Sign in option on the top of extension

After approving from leetcode portal I get 2 toast messages in vs code

  1. Failed to list problems
  2. Fetching user data (it gets stuck forever)

The folders are empty:

To Reproduce

Sign In from the extension, approve the login from leetcode, approve pop to fetch user data in vs code

Expected behavior

I would be able to login and problem list should be available

Extension Output


Guidance: Press Ctrl+Shift+U, and toggle the channel to LeetCode.

Your Environment

  • os: Windows 11
  • extension settings: Default (Leetcode US)
  • nodejs version: v18.17.0
  • vscode version:
  • extension version: 0.18.0