
CPU lockups in conjunction with Xen 4.17, kernel 6.4.x or newer and PulseAudio

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When the Clevo ACPI module is loaded into a kernel 6.4.x or newer that is running under Xen 4.17 (the most recent version of Xen), things start to derail quickly as soon as PulseAudio is entering the picture.

The combination of Xen 4.17, kernel 6.4.x or newer, and PulseAudio is already a bit unstable, but loading the Clevo ACPI module into the kernel is aggravating the situation by the order of several magnitudes (whereas Linux can go on for 30 minutes or longer without the module being loaded until experiencing the first hiccup, it's just a matter of minutes for any CPU lockups to appear once the module is present).

As a workaround, a kernel of version 6.1.0 can be used (virtually no hiccups here).

I'm going to file a bug report in Debian's bug tracking system. I'd suspect the main culprit to be in the combination of Xen 4.17 and a kernel 6.4.x or newer, however, a check on why the Clevo ACPI driver is aggravating the situation so much could be helpful as well.