GraphQL Error Unknown field `allPrismicCaseStudy` on type `Query`
alfianridwan opened this issue · 8 comments
Hi, I've followed exactly as you've written in the getting started guide and I still encounter this problem. Any fix for this?
1 |
2 | query IndexQuery {
> 3 | caseStudies: allPrismicCaseStudy(sort: { fields: [last_publication_date], order: DESC }) {
| ^
4 | edges {
5 | node {
6 | uid
7 | data {
8 | header_image {
9 | localFile {
10 | childImageSharp {
11 | fluid(
12 | maxWidth: 900
13 | maxHeight: 900
Did you solve it in the meantime?
It's hard to debug this with so little information. How did you set up your prismic project?
Hi there. I got this same error as above while setting up this template on my system, as well. I followed the given instructions to a 'T'. A Prismic repeatable repository was set up with the the "Case Study" (api: case_study) as described. I created 1 document before running npm run develop.
Let me know what other information you may need to help me troubleshoot. I appreciate your time and the template!
Here is my full error that appeared in the browser:
GraphQL Error There was an error while compiling your site's GraphQL queries.
Error: RelayParser: Encountered 2 error(s):
- Unknown field 'allPrismicCaseStudy' on type 'Query'. Source: document `IndexQuery` file: `GraphQL request`
GraphQL request (3:5)
2: query IndexQuery {
3: caseStudies: allPrismicCaseStudy(sort: { fields: [last_publication_date], order: DESC }) {
4: edges {
- Unknown field 'prismicCaseStudy' on type 'Query'. Source: document `CaseBySlug` file: `GraphQL request`
GraphQL request (3:5)
2: query CaseBySlug($uid: String!) {
3: prismicCaseStudy(uid: { eq: $uid }) {
4: uid
I did update the repositoryName
to my own in the gatsby-config.js file, but that did not help. My Prismic API key is set in the .env.development
file as instructed. The error in Terminal leads me to the gatsby-node.js
file. " TypeError: Cannot read property 'allPrismicCaseStudy' of undefined"
Hey - Looks like I got this resolved after all - Looks like the key was changing the repositoryName in the gatsby-config.js file. then I had to cancel and then run npm run dev
Hey - Looks like I got this resolved after all - Looks like the key was changing the repositoryName in the gatsby-config.js file. then I had to cancel and then run
npm run dev
Hey! Could you give a bit more info on how you fixed it? I'm facing the same issue. I'm pretty sure its probably an easy fix cause the errors are not fatal.