
A really cute dragger addone for Blyde

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub license npm


A really cute dragger addone for Blyde, inspired by the dragging effect of FL Studio

Smooth even on MTK devices



Blyde DOES NOT compatible with jQuery!!

Maybe Drag.js is a little bit difficult to use, but it worth it!


git clone https://github.com/classicoldsong/Drag.js.git


npm install drag-js


First you need to include these scripts before document is loaded:

<script src="blyde.min.js"></script>
<script src="drag.min.js"></script>

Then you can drag ANY element on your page using element.stargDrag()!


  • element.startDrag(width, height): Start drag this element with specified width and height in string such as element.startDrag('124px', '50px'). You can also stard drag directly without these parameters.
  • element.dragRelease(callback): Release the drag with or without callback and the animation will continue until the element moves to it's target coordinate. Callback will be fired as soon as the animation finishes.
  • element.stopDrag(callback): Stops dragging immediately, if without callback the element will be returned to it's original place. Callback will be fired before the dragHolder and dragCase being removed from the document.
  • element.moveTo(x, y, callback): Move the element to a specified coordinate with animation. If callback exists, it will be fired as soon as the animation finishes, and the element.stopDrag() is NOT automatically excuted.

After element.startDrag(), you can get these:

  • element.dragCase: The container of the element when dragging.
  • element.dragHolder: The placeholder for the original element.
  • element.dragCase.dragger.posX: Current X coordinate.
  • element.dragCase.dragger.posY: Current Y coordinate.
  • element.dragCase.dragger.deg: Current rotation degree.

After element.dragRelease() you can get these:

  • element.dragCase.dragger.targetX: The destination X coordinate, by default it is the X position where your mouse is when element.dragRelease() is excuted.
  • element.dragCase.dragger.targetY: The destination Y coordinate, by default it is the Y position where your mouse is when element.dragRelease() is excuted.

You can set the target position manually after element.dragRelease() is excuted, but obviously using element.moveTo(x, y) is a better idea.

Not understanding?

Don't worry, just read the source code of demo.js to look for some inspiration. You can make it!


MIT, © ClassicOldSong