
Usage with axum difficult

MTRNord opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Hi I am trying to use this with axum instead of axtix-web.

However it seems that into_apub from ApubObject causes:

note: future is not `Send` as it awaits another future which is not `Send`
   --> src/instance.rs:133:18
133 |     let person = user.into_apub(&data).await.unwrap();
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ await occurs here on type `std::pin::Pin<std::boxed::Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = std::result::Result<objects::person::Person, error::Error>>>>`, which is not `Send`

I assume this is because the function takes an reference to the Arc instead of taking the arc itself which somewhat breaks the Arc's purpose.

Is there any way this could be made axum compatible?

My (broken) Code for this is available here (it also wont compile due to some other reasons as I am in between adding basic functions but got stuck on this issue): https://gitlab.com/MTRNord/pixelrust/-/blob/dc50d4bd729eecc23d972d6d3d92426edb280911/src/instance.rs#L132

A possible easy fix is probably to just not force it to be a reference and let the implementer decide if this should be a reference or not. That way this would offer the best of both worlds. (Basically moving the reference to the type definition when implementing instead of forcing it always)

I looked at your axum-error branch but its really hard to figure out whats going on, because there are so many changes (all in one huge commit), and lots of unrelated compile errors. You also seem to have merged the library code and example code which is a bad idea.

If you want to add axum support to this crate, you should instead use feature flags, with one feature actix and one axum. Then you can also rename the federation example to federation-actix, and add federation-axum.

I suggest you work on this in a pull request to this repo, and only commit small changes each time. That way it will be much easier to follow along and help out if you get stuck somewhere.

I looked at your axum-error branch but its really hard to figure out whats going on, because there are so many changes (all in one huge commit), and lots of unrelated compile errors. You also seem to have merged the library code and example code which is a bad idea.

If you want to add axum support to this crate, you should instead use feature flags, with one feature actix and one axum. Then you can also rename the federation example to federation-actix, and add federation-axum.

I suggest you work on this in a pull request to this repo, and only commit small changes each time. That way it will be much easier to follow along and help out if you get stuck somewhere.

Ah sorry yeah shouldn't have this written late at night yesterday ๐Ÿ˜…

I will clear the git up later today or tomorrow and come back but the short version is that I basically took the example and tried to use axum instead of actix. Therefor I had to port the middleware to axum as that also is (logically) actix Web specific.

I can probably work on a pr for axum as well. :) will have a look later today.

Just wanted to note that I started work on this now :) Its not pushed yet but I will keep you updated/open the PR when its ready

I think this should be closed, the only remaining issue with axum is that we still need to run on the actix runtime but this should be fixed by making the background-jobs crate compatible with tokio. Or maybe switch to another crate.

@MTRNord here is my project if you need to take a look at a working example: https://github.com/oknozor/gill