
[Bug]: Bulk-removing comments leads to timeout if there are many

bjoern-tantau opened this issue · 2 comments


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When bulk-removing comments from a user who has lots of them it takes a long time and then times out. I guess it's trying to remove all of them in one go.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start to ban a user with lots of content.
  2. Select "remove content"
  3. Send

Technical Details

Sorry, don't have access to the server at the moment.


BE 0.19.3

Lemmy Instance URL


This might also be partially Jerboa, Jerboa has a timeout of 20s. Not sure if the Server has a timeout but that also might be exceeded by this request regardless. Perhaps the server should queue this action?

Yep, these longer actions could potentially be backgrounded... but I'd rather investigate which DB action in crates/api_common/src/utils.rs remove_user_data is taking so long.