
[Bug]: Blocked URLs accept HTTP and HTTPS URLs that are otherwise the same as separate entries

SleeplessOne1917 opened this issue · 1 comments


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As described in the title. If you have https://somedomain/some_path, it will not cover http://somedomain/some_path.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. (Must be admin) got to site settings
  2. Enter both http and https versions of the same URL into the Blocked URLs textarea.
  3. Save changes
  4. Refresh page if updates doesn't show
  5. Check blocked URLs section again

Technical Details




Lemmy Instance URL


As part of this , since we've already parsed them as urls, we could just keep everything past the domain. So even if a user saves https://google.com/....other_stuff, as part of that validation function, it rewrites it to google.com/....