
[Bug]: Auto Increment for person_id fails when a user tries to register with an existing username

leonwang908 opened this issue · 1 comments


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Let say current max(person_id) is 10. and there is a user registered name like 'hoge'.
then a new user try to register 'hoge' 10 times. finally he register his username as 'hoge2', his person_id will be 21

Steps to Reproduce

  1. find a username already existing
  2. check last registered user's person_id
  3. register same username from step 1.
  4. successfully register a user with other username
  5. check user's person_id from step 4

Technical Details

The OS is Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS


BE 0.19.3

Lemmy Instance URL

No response

Not possible with postgres, also the number is meaningless and isn't going to affect anything.