
[Bug]: task scheduler does not run properly in a separate container on 0.19.4-beta.5

mattbathje opened this issue · 1 comments


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A 0.19.4-beta.5 instance can not run the task scheduler as a separate container. When you attempt to do this, the task scheduler container keeps restarting, and tasks (such as updating Hot / Scaled / etc. sort types) never run.

If you move the task scheduler to run in the main lemmy container, the container does not restart and tasks run properly.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Configure lemmy's docker-compose.yml to have a separate container for running tasks. In the tasks entrypoint, make sure the entrypoint is configured as: entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-http-server --disable-activity-sending. On all other lemmy services in the docker-compose.yml, make sure the entrypoint contains --disable-scheduled-tasks
  2. (re) start your docker containers
  3. Watch the logs using docker compose logs -f lemmy-tasks - after a short period of time, the lemmy-tasks container will exit. If you use docker compose ps, you will see lemmy-tasks in a restarting state.

Technical Details

The following log is an example of the tasks container exiting, however the info/debug messages leading up to the exit are not always the same.

lemmy-tasks_1 | 2024-05-06T17:45:46.638489Z  INFO lemmy_server::scheduled_tasks: Updating active site and community aggregates ...
lemmy-tasks_1 | 2024-05-06T17:45:46.638589Z DEBUG tokio_postgres::query: executing statement s3 with parameters: [ToSqlHelper(PgTypeMetadata(Ok(InnerPgTypeMetadata { oid: 23, array_oid: 1007 })), Some([0, 0, 0, 1]))]
lemmy-docker_lemmy-tasks_1 exited with code 0



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