

JediMaster25 opened this issue · 9 comments

Passwords must be between 10 and 60 characters. You can use any characters you want. Need to fix that message.

Tealk commented

is there a reason why it is limited to 60? I would not customize the message but not limit it

Is this on fedibb.ml? I just registered an account with a 59 char password with special characters, and it worked just fine. Logs also dont show anything.

Tbh im really clueless what could cause this problem, and its hard to investiage without being able to reproduce it.

I tried to sign up to the fedibb.ml and got the EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 0 except my password was within the acceptable bounds. Something else might be wrong.

I think i got it, this is most likely because of the rate limit. It only allows 3 signups per hour and IP, and even counts failed signup attempts (eg with invalid password). And it doesnt give any error message. Gonna have to fix this.

If you have this problem, wait for an hour before trying to register again, or use a different IP.

Tealk commented

I think some characters are not even displayed correctly with me xD

I tried signing up again today and it worked.

@JediMaster25 Thanks, it turns out we were using the wrong method for string length which returns the number of bytes, not chars. You will have to make your pw shorter for now (30-40 chars) until the fix is merged. LemmyNet/lemmy#2536