
[Bug]: timeout in backend when trying to update user profile

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install new lemmybb 0.1.2 using the docker instructions
  2. Use lemmy server
  3. Enter user profile and try to update email and password

expected: page should update

browser shows:
error sending request for url (http://lemmy:8536/api/v3/user/save_user_settings): operation timed out

On which operating systems are you seeing the problem on?

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Android
  • iOS/iPadOS

On which browsers are you seeing the problem on?

  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Other (please describe in more detail under Additional context)



LemmyBB Logs

lemmy-bb    | [2023-01-02T19:20:40Z INFO  rocket::server] POST /edit_profile multipart/form-data:
lemmy-bb    | [2023-01-02T19:21:10Z WARN  lemmy_bb::error] error sending request for url (http://lemmy:8536/api/v3/user/save_user_settings): operation timed out
lemmy-bb    | [2023-01-02T19:21:10Z INFO  rocket::server] GET /favicon.ico image/avif:
lemmy-bb    | [2023-01-02T19:21:10Z ERROR _] No matching routes for GET /favicon.ico image/avif.
lemmy-bb    | [2023-01-02T19:21:10Z WARN  _] No 404 catcher registered. Using Rocket default.
lemmy       | 2023-01-02T19:21:40.856479Z  WARN Error encountered while processing the incoming HTTP request: lemmy_server::root_span_builder: email_send_failed: Connection error: Address not available (os error 99)
lemmy       |    0: lemmy_api::local_user::save_settings::perform
lemmy       |            with self=SaveUserSettings { show_nsfw: None, show_scores: None, theme: None, default_sort_type: None, default_listing_type: None, lang: Some("browser"), avatar: None, banner: None, display_name: None, email: Some(Sensitive), bio: None, matrix_user_id: None, show_avatars: None, send_notifications_to_email: None, bot_account: None, show_bot_accounts: None, show_read_posts: None, show_new_post_notifs: None, auth: Sensitive }
lemmy       |              at crates/api/src/local_user/save_settings.rs:28
lemmy       |    1: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request
lemmy       |            with http.method=PUT http.scheme="http" http.host=lemmy:8536 http.target=/api/v3/user/save_user_settings otel.kind="server" request_id=7f8b2ea3-2aa1-4101-915b-11a30b9aff41 http.status_code=400 otel.status_code="OK"
lemmy       |              at src/root_span_builder.rs:16
lemmy       | LemmyError { message: Some("email_send_failed"), inner: Connection error: Address not available (os error 99)
lemmy       | 
lemmy       | Caused by:
lemmy       |     Address not available (os error 99), context: "SpanTrace" }

Additional context

Lemmy container: dessalines/lemmy:0.16.7

Like the error message says, there is a problem with sending emails. Make sure the email config for Lemmy works, or remove it then this problem should go away.

Inderd that fixed it, closing.