Double percent sign does not escape formatting commands
ntrrgc opened this issue · 2 comments
From the documentation:
lemonbar provides a screenrc-inspired formatting syntax to allow full customization at runtime. Every formatting block is opened with %{ and closed by } and accepts the following commands, the parser tries it's best to handle malformed input. Use %% to get a literal percent sign (%).
Indeed, %%
produces a single visible %
, as expected... but unfortuantely, it still renders any command in braces after that!
For instance, imagine we are showing the window title in bar, which currently is this:
What is %{REQUEST_URI} in .htaccess? - Google Chrome
That %{
is doomed to be interpreted by bar as a formatting command, let's escape it properly!
What is %%{REQUEST_URI} in .htaccess? - Google Chrome
But instead of being escaped correctly, this is what happens:
Which is quite wierd, as if the %%
token was consumed twice, once for producing the %
symbol and another time for rendering the {
as a command (which I tried to avoid).
As a workaround, I've found Unicode zero-width space works (e.g. "%\uFEFF{REQUEST_URI}"
Good catch, the latest commit fixes this problem.
That was fast, thank you!