
%{Sn} doesn't work as expected

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have two monitors detected by xrandr, eDP-1 and DP-1-1. Using %{S0} puts the message on DP-1-1, and using %{S1} puts the message on eDP-1. However, the %{Sn(xrandr monitor name)} doesn't seem to be working, both

while true;
echo "%{SneDP-1}test"
done | lemonbar


while true;
echo "%{SnDP-1-1}test"
done | lemonbar

puts the message on monitor number 0, DP-1-1.

Just to make sure, are you running v1.4?

I'm asking because Debian, for example, is still on 1.3. You can check by running lemonbar -h.

Nevermind, I'm using the XFT version and think it's an issue with that.