Use an .exe instead of a .py
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It would be better because the file will be independent of the modules to be installed this can be done with this command:
python.exe -m PyInstaller --onefile After that the file will be in the dist
And a full disk check can be done with this code:
You will have to put the file instead of the written hashes inside the code and translate it
I am also trying to develop my antivirus in python...
`import os
import hashlib
from pyuac import main_requires_admin
virus_data = {
"viruses": [
"name": "MEMEZ",
"hashes": {
"SHA256": "3ff64f10603f0330fa2386ff99471ca789391ace969bd0ec1c1b8ce1b4a6db42"
"description": "Memz é um vírus de computador fictício conhecido por disseminar memes maliciosos."
"name": "LOVEYOU.VBS",
"hashes": {
"SHA256": "5d8c6cc0a479db4ab427dbd68fc4e2096ab4a570ebe4f730b22ca18bee81c773"
"description": "Vírus LOVEYOU.VBS, também conhecido como ILOVEYOU, é um vírus de computador de email malicioso."
def check_for_virus(file_path, virus_data):
# Verifica se o arquivo tem extensão .exe, .dll, .bat, ou .vbs
if file_path.lower().endswith((".exe", ".dll", ".bat", ".vbs")):
# Calcula o SHA256 do arquivo
arquivo_sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
for pedaco in iter(lambda:, b""):
# Verifica se o SHA256 está na lista de hashes de vírus conhecidos
for virus in virus_data["viruses"]:
if arquivo_sha256.hexdigest() in virus["hashes"].values():
return True
except OSError:
# Ignorar arquivos ou pastas protegidos que não podem ser abertos
return False
def scan_drive(drive_path, virus_data):
print(f"Verificando arquivos no disco {drive_path}...")
arquivos_limpos = []
arquivos_infectados = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(drive_path):
for file in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
if check_for_virus(file_path, virus_data):
print(f"Arquivo infectado removido: {file_path}")
except OSError as e:
print(f"Erro ao remover o arquivo {file_path}: {e}")
if arquivos_limpos:
print("Arquivos limpos:")
for arquivo in arquivos_limpos:
print(arquivo, "está limpo.")
print("Nenhum arquivo limpo foi encontrado.")
def main():
scan_drive("C:\", virus_data) # Varre o disco C:
if name == "main":
I think a even better way and what I wanted to do for the last weeks is to scan files using shared c (.so) I already tested it on a side project and for large/many files it´s really fast where talking 10sec. raw py to 0-1sec. reading time here sadly I wasnt able to implement it jet since I had no time.
I think a even better way and what I wanted to do for the last weeks is to scan files using shared c (.so) I already tested it on a side project and for large/many files it´s really fast where talking 10sec. raw py to 0-1sec. reading time here sadly I wasnt able to implement it jet since I had no time.
unfortunately yes C is faster than python because python is an interpreted language there are ways to compile the code to make it faster, but I'll stick with pure python.
The code I sent you doesn't take long because it scans specified files, but if they were all it might take a while.
I think a even better way and what I wanted to do for the last weeks is to scan files using shared c (.so) I already tested it on a side project and for large/many files it´s really fast where talking 10sec. raw py to 0-1sec. reading time here sadly I wasnt able to implement it jet since I had no time.
unfortunately yes C is faster than python because python is an interpreted language there are ways to compile the code to make it faster, but I'll stick with pure python. The code I sent you doesn't take long because it scans specified files, but if they were all it might take a while.
I´m done, the project witch uses C to scan is finally ready. Here if you want to try it.
Good, now you need a dynamic hash update.