
Is the list still being updated?

Closed this issue · 5 comments


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  • Your Issue Detail:
    This list has never been updated since it was published.
    Is it no longer maintained?

Yes of course. Right now I am really focusing on pushing a huge update for PrivacyShield. So thats why it takes such a long time. I am trying to implement an automatic check for false positives with ML and auto-updating the lists.
I am sorry for letting you wait that long, but I can ensure, that the Lists are still maintained.

@Lennolium, it's been a year and a half, what's the news?

I finished all domain aggregation for block and white lists. I just need to compile them now. You can expect the update in a few days. From that on I will implement a CI pipeline so the lists will be updated each week automatically :)

Err… Hello?

Err… Hello?

Most lists (bronze - platinum) got updated to v2.0.0. For diamond and antimatter the compile time takes a lot more time. Do you have another request/issue I could help you with? :)