
https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/ blocked

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Issue Submit Form

Provide the following info properly, which will help me to resolve your issue quickly.


Type x in between [ ] and make sure there isn't any space between brackets. Example; for Your Selected Issue(s), type like this - [x]
You can select more than one category of issues if you need to!

  • Whitelist
  • Blacklist (Bronze, Silver, ...?)
  • App Broken
  • Website Broken
  • Image(s) not showing
  • Request
  • Other Issue


If you are submitting this issue for whitelist/blacklist issue, send me the domain(s) for whitelisting/blacklisting here. Kindly use the Code Tag to prevent tracking.

  • Domain(s):


You can attach any screen shot or log of the issue or advert, this will help to highlight it.

  • Your Issue Detail:
    false positive
    the zigbee2mqtt project is a local zigbee to mqtt software

Thanks for reporting. I will remove all mqtt-related domains from block lists.

Please be advised that Facebook and some others use mqtt

Fixed in upcoming update. Thanks for your patience! 🥳