
Writing GPS EXIF gives TypeError

jparkinson97 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi thanks for creating pyexiv2.

I am trying to write GPS metadata to an image using the following following script:

 output_metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata('mnt/c/Users/User/OneDrive/Desktop/Tiles/output/output0.tif')

tiepoint = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 310259.9162, 5842767.3431, 0.0
output_metadata['Exif.Image.0x8482'] = pyexiv2.ExifTag('Exif.Image.0x8482', tiepoint)

But I receive the error message:

TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, float found

I have already tried formatting the data as a string, but this leads to quote marks being placed round the values when the metadata is subsequently read.

I have also tried using the Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef key given in the documentation, but this does not allow the location data to be stored with enough accuracy.

Is there any way round this issue?

You're probably using another project py3exiv2.

Sorry about that. Ill close the issue.