automation test framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Full Stack Application

##Application_Server 1.It is spring application developed by springboot

##Application_UI 1.It is developed by vue.js and bootstrap

##Application_API_TEST 1.it is developed by using rest assured job

##Application_UI_TEST 1.It is developed by selenium automation framework ##Application_CI 1.It is developed by groovy through jenkinFile ##Application_CLOUD -it is developed by docker


Selenium Grid

On Server machine run command

java -jar seleniumstandalone**.jar -role hub -port 4444

-it will run server on 4444 port

On Client machine

java -jar seleniumstandalone.jar -role node -hub http://serverip:4444/grid/register -port 5555

-it will run client on this port 5555

parallel need to done by testng xml

classes methods tests

step to start jenkin -download updated jenkin.war file

java -Dhudson.util.ProcessTree.disable=true -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=8090

within 1 hour

webservice(spring) , UI(vue.js) ,deployment() ,selelenium automation ,api automation ,dockerize application ,jenkins with docker deployment ,swarm mode delopyment with load balancer