
a simple RESTful API service to receive HTTP requests which can automatically parse request and store it appropriately, and send an email notification to the sender and a dedicated email account immediately.

Primary LanguagePython


a simple RESTful API service to receive HTTP requests which can automatically parse request and store it appropriately, and send an email notification to the sender and a dedicated email account immediately.

##程序依赖: 本项目基于Python2.7开发,使用了tornado框架. ##使用方法: 1.将config.py.example改名成config.py,并按文件中的说明来完成必要配置. 2.执行命令python server.py来运行.如果想将日志保存成文件形式,请加上运行参数-log_file_prefix,如-log_file_prefix=/home/log.txt.

Here is the field list for the request:

field Description Type
email Sender's email address string
first_name Sender's first name string
last_name Sender's last name string
contact_number Sender's mobile phone number string
title A title for the request string
content a short description of the request string
link a web address string

all fields above are required. Sample request

$ curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -d @data.json http://localhost:8000/rest

# data.json
    "email": "tester@test.com",
    "first_name": "Peter",
    "last_name": "Pan",
    "contact_number": "86-13227892789",
    "title": "Request Title",
    "content": "Request Content",
    "link": "https://github.com"