
About Step 4: Download Stanford NLP word embeddings

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Sorry to bother you. I want to know in the Step 4, which pre-trained word vectors should I download?Does it depend on my task? I want to do log anomaly detection as well

Does not matter, as long as the dimensions between the vectors you downloaded, and the input of GRU Network are match.

Does not matter, as long as the dimensions between the vectors you downloaded, and the input of GRU Network are match.

Thank you very much!

Does not matter, as long as the dimensions between the vectors you downloaded, and the input of GRU Network are match.

The generated file templates_HDFS.vec or templates_BGL.vec is the final semantic vectors?

The generated file templates_HDFS.vec or templates_BGL.vec is the final semantic vectors?

BTW, I recall that we were using glove.6B.300d. Thought that might help.