React Examples in Docs
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Hey there folks.
I know you're busy with life and a million other things. Maybe somebody would be willing to put together a PR for the docs with an example on how to do this in React with a progress bar and all the goodies.
Just a thought for those coming here after us.
Hey! I think you'll have an easier time integrating NPM's s3up (the equivalent of this package) into a react component. This package still has some global stuff going on that makes it not as pure for a component (but can still work). I'll post something for you next week from one of my code bases that still depends on this.
So, I've got mine working (just as of a couple hours ago) with a progress bar and everything. I was able to read your documentation and figure it out without too much effort. I was thinking mainly for other people coming along in the future.
This issue was posted BEFORE I saw that you have a new version out. I looked at that, but decided that it didn't have enough documentation for me to want to mess with - and I don't know the first thing about coffee script... I like my javascript black ;)
So, you're right - once there is documentation up for the new NPM version that one would probably be best. But for the record - it wasn't too difficult to get this one working right away.