
A python library for building user interfaces in discord.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


A front-end framework for discord.py

PyPI License Stars

Blurple.py is a framework built on top of discord.py, giving you the tools you need to build discord bots with convenience.

⚠️ hey! thanks for checking this library out. although this library is not actively being maintained, it is stable and you probably won't encounter any issues if you use it! if you do happen to run into any problems, feel free to open an issue or (preferrably) a PR, and i'll get to it as soon as i can :)

Here's what's included:

  1. blurple.ui All the styled components you'll ever need for building user interfaces in discord.
    • Styled alerts, toasts that automatically dismiss, and more.
  2. blurple.io Robust functions that enable you to build stable, multi-step commands with ease.
    • Support for multi-event replies, and timeout handling by default.
  3. blurple.ext Utilities and sane defaults for discord.ext commands.
    • Drop-in replacements, addons, and other small gadgets.


Documentation can be found here.


  1. Make sure your python version is up-to-date.
  2. Install the package with pip install blurple.py.

example with blurple.ui

  import discord
  from discord.ext import commands
+ from blurple import ui

  bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')

  async def ping(ctx):
-     await ctx.send('Pong!')
+     await ctx.send(embed=ui.Alert(ui.Style.SUCCESS,
+         title="Pong!",
+         description=f"Latency: `{round(bot.latency*1000)}ms`")
+     )


running locally

  1. Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/cysabi/blurple.py.git
  2. Create a .env in the repository root with your token: TOKEN=kpXVCJ9.pLY.Q6m9F
  3. The repo contains a test.py file used for testing, simply run the file python3 test.py

empathy included • @cysabicysabi.github.io