
Add statement tagging

Closed this issue · 4 comments

furf commented

We would like to implement a tagging feature for statements and admin interface for Fix Democracy First.

A tag is a short categorical description of a statement, i.e. celebrity, issue, global warming.

  • An admin can add tags to a statement.
  • An admin can remove tags from a statement.
  • An admin can view a list of tags.
  • An admin can delete a tag and remove it from all statements at once.
  • A user can see all statements of a certain tag on a separate page.
  • A user can jump to a tag page via a dropdown on the home page.

Sample tasks:

  • Create tags model: id, name (normalized)
  • Create join model (statements_tags)
  • Add easy-to-use interface for adding/removing tags to/from video via admin interface
  • Add list view for tags with edit/delete functionality
  • Add tag page
  • Add tag dropdown to homepage
furf commented


How can I get access to the slack channel? @furf

furf commented

Take a look at our Team Lessig Tech repo for information. Basically, fill out the brief tech volunteer registration and I'll email you an invite shortly after.

Ok, I'm going to try to do this! Having some problems getting admin working on my local...