
Dropped kerning exceptions

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am working on generating new instances of Source Serif, which have a few modifications, but the same kerning data (my development repo is here: https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-serif-pro/tree/dev)

I noticed that the kerning differs in comparison to the previous time generated, so I tried to roll back involved modules. It turns out – when I roll back MutatorMath to release 2.0.3, there are no more kerning differences.

The master setup is simple – a light _0 master, an intermediate _1, and a heavy master _2.
The light and heavy masters coincide with ExtraLight and Black, Regular is just slightly heavier than the _1 master.
I am comparing the SourceSerif_2 master (1000) to the Black instance (1000).

New pair: V igrave -40, not present in previous Black instance:

V | igrave
SourceSerif_0.ufo   -10
SourceSerif_1.ufo   None
SourceSerif_2.ufo   None

ExtraLight          -10
Light               -18
Regular             -30
Semibold            -34
Bold                -37
Black               -40
V | public.kern2.@MMK_R_LAT_i
SourceSerif_0.ufo   -20
SourceSerif_1.ufo   -30
SourceSerif_2.ufo   -40

ExtraLight          -20
Light               -24
Regular             -30
Semibold            -34
Bold                -37
Black               -40

Here it seems a mistake was corrected. Dropping the pair (as happened in the previous iteration) was not the right thing to do. Great!

Now a more mystifying example:
public.kern1.@MMK_L_LAT_U | icircumflex exception given in Black master, but missing in Black instance:

public.kern1.@MMK_L_LAT_U | icircumflex
SourceSerif_0.ufo   None
SourceSerif_1.ufo   None
SourceSerif_2.ufo   -10

ExtraLight          None
Light               None
Regular             None
Semibold            None
Bold                None
Black               None
public.kern1.@MMK_L_LAT_U | public.kern2.@MMK_R_LAT_icircumflex
SourceSerif_0.ufo   -10
SourceSerif_1.ufo   10
SourceSerif_2.ufo   20

ExtraLight          -10
Light               -2
Regular             10
Semibold            14
Bold                17
Black               20

Here it seems the exception was just completely dropped, and I don’t have any idea why.
I have an @MMK_R_LAT_icircumflex group, which contains [icircumflex idieresis imacron icaron itilde] (all i’s with something wide on top). This group avoids many exceptions, but nevertheless sometimes needs one, as this example.

There are a few more modified pairs, most of them correct (added zero-value pairs, for instance), but there is another mysterious one, following the pattern above:

public.kern1.@MMK_L_LAT_f | icircumflex
SourceSerif_0.ufo   None
SourceSerif_1.ufo   None
SourceSerif_2.ufo   20

ExtraLight          None
Light               None
Regular             None
Semibold            None
Bold                None
Black               None
public.kern1.@MMK_L_LAT_f | public.kern2.@MMK_R_LAT_icircumflex
SourceSerif_0.ufo   20
SourceSerif_1.ufo   60
SourceSerif_2.ufo   -5

ExtraLight          20
Light               36
Regular             57
Semibold            36
Bold                13
Black               -5

I realize the way MutatorMath handles kerning changed at 2.0.4, since the release notes read:

Pass UFO groups to the MathKerning object so that the latter is able to identify the exceptions

Since I’m not sure where the issue is, I’ll open the problem here – hopefully @typesupply can explain this. I assume he has thought about this problem more than I have.

That 2.04 change might be this one:
items.append((sourceLocation, MathKerning(source.kerning, source.groups)))

This is the line in mathKerning that might be relevant to removing exception kerns with zero.
side1Type, side2Type = self.guessPairType((side1, side2))

Could there be a reason self.guessPairType might not see the pair as an exception?

I also came back to that line in mathKerning – in our original conversation, I assumed it had to do with zero exceptions, but the mystifying examples above are not zero.
I’m working on a more general test case.

This robotools/fontMath#110 was indeed the source of the problem, and the fix makes my kerning generate correctly! Thank you very much Erik!