
How to make manipulations with a single master?

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For example consider this designspace. I don't see any changes in output.ufo

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<designspace format="3">
    <source filename="sources\light\LightCondensed.ufo" name="master_1">
      <lib copy="1" />
      <groups copy="1" />
      <info copy="1" mute="0" />
        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1.000000" yvalue="1.000000" />
    <instance familyname="TestFamily" filename="instances\testOutput_glyphs.ufo" stylename="TestStyleName">
        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="2.500000"/>

I'm trying use the following script.

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import defcon.objects.font
import mutatorMath.objects.error
from mutatorMath.ufo.document import DesignSpaceDocumentWriter, DesignSpaceDocumentReader
from mutatorMath.objects.location import Location
import time
testRoot = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data')
documentPath = os.path.join(testRoot, 'experiment.designspace')
sourcePath = os.path.join(testRoot, 'sources')
instancePath = os.path.join(testRoot, 'instances')
master1Path = os.path.join(testRoot, )
logPath = os.path.join(testRoot, "tests.log")
roundGeometry=True      # this will trigger some fails if run with a pre-ufo3 fontMath.
doc = DesignSpaceDocumentReader(documentPath, ufoVersion, roundGeometry=roundGeometry, verbose=True, logPath=logPath)

With one master, you can only do scaling.

You are setting width, then requesting different weight. That can't work.