
Symbolic link in glyphsPlugin prevents gh-pages from generating.

LettError opened this issue · 2 comments

The page build failed with the following error:

The symbolic link /ResponsiveLettering.glyphsPlugin/Contents/MacOS/python targets a file which does not exist within your site's repository. For more information, see https://help.github.com/articles/page-build-failed-symlink-does-not-exist-within-your-site-s-repository.

For information on troubleshooting Jekyll see:


@schriftgestalt could you have a look? The symbolic link in the glyphsPlugin causes an error when I try to update the gh-pages branch. I suppose only the www data needs to be in that branch anyway, but I'm not sure how to exclude it.

I removed the G plugin and the RF extension as well from the gh-pages branch. Now the pages generate. So I think that solves it.