
Replace Sauce Labs with Playwright

vweevers opened this issue · 3 comments

It has served us well for a long time, but I've spent more (too much) time chasing issues that arise from changes to their platform, than to changes to the code we're testing. Mostly recently (Level/abstract-level#42) tests started failing with the following error:

Misconfigured -- You've exceeded your Sauce Labs concurrency limit. This test was throttled and ultimately timed out waiting for a free slot to run. You can upgrade your account for higher-concurrency at https://saucelabs.com/pricing.

Replacing Sauce Labs will reduce our coverage of browsers by only a small percentage (in terms of how many end users we serve by testing lesser-used browsers). The benefits far outweigh that: Playwright is faster, more stable, and we (in fact anyone) can run the same suite locally and in CI (without needing credentials). It's easy to achieve as we can continue using Airtap, but with airtap-playwright instead of airtap-sauce.

Side note: for the Airtap project, it likely means airtap-sauce won't be maintained anymore, at least not by me.

Repositories that this applies to:

  • abstract-level
  • memory-level
  • browser-level
  • levelup (remove browser tests altogether)
  • ...

@vweevers Yeah, lets do it.

Aaaand blocked the other person.

Aaaand blocked the other person.

What did I miss?

What did I miss?

A spammer. Github must have cleaned up the post.