
Requirements for manifests

vweevers opened this issue · 5 comments

I felt the need to defragment various threads:

Prior art:


  • Manifests must be objects (established in Level/levelup#279)
  • Declare high-level features as booleans:
    • snapshot guarantees (use case: tests, consumers that require consistency)
    • exclusive access (use case: live streams, prehooks) (see Level/levelup#279)
    • binary keys (use case: tests, deciding on a network transport)
    • permanence (use case: packager tests)
    • seeking (use case: tests, multiget, skip scans)
  • Declare additional methods and properties (that are not part of the abstract API)
    • Examples:
      • approximateSize() (use case: defer/proxy/expose)
      • sublevels (use case: exposing them to clients)
    • Declare name, return type, sync/callback/promise
  • Nice to have: use manifests the other way around, to declare features that a plugin wants

Open questions:

  • Should manifests extend manifests from underlying downs? Note that underlying downs can be swapped at runtime.
  • In some cases, feature support depends on the runtime environment too. E.g. not all browsers support binary keys in level-js. Is that something we want to expose?

Should manifests extend manifests from underlying downs? Note that underlying downs can be swapped at runtime.

Let's take db.clear() as an example, and a few different db's.

level-party db

It may or may not have db.clear() depending on:

  • Whether db is the leader (backed by leveldown) or follower (backed by a multileveldown client)
  • Whether db is open (it's underlying db may be wrapped in deferred-leveldown)
  • Whether db is wrapped in subleveldown (in which case, see below)

In this case, it must be level-party that defines the (hardcoded) manifest, and can include clear in the manifest if all its dependencies support it.

subleveldown db

It may or may not have db.clear() depending on:

  • Whether its input db has clear() (if we refactor subleveldown to unwrap the db early on, in its constructor, then we have the necessary info)
  • Whether it depends on "abstract-leveldown": "^6.0.2" but doesn't implement clear itself and therefor incorrectly deletes all entries of the input db (this is currently the case, and something that would be solved by a manifest)

Here as well, it must be subleveldown that defines the manifest, with the added limitation that the manifest cannot be "static" - as in require('subleveldown').manifest.

We can start off simple, with a manifest object that has boolean properties, where each property describes a known feature. We can later handle custom features.

That's a smaller scope than e.g. level-manifest which describes methods of a db and their "type" (readable, writable, sync or async).

In other words, when our manifest lists a feature like { clear: true }) it is assumed to mean that the db has a clear() method with the "standard" function signature.

We can later extend the format into { clear: { whatever } }.

So to be future-proof, I'll rephrase: we can start off with a manifest object has truthy properties.

In some cases, feature support depends on the runtime environment too. E.g. not all browsers support binary keys in level-js. Is that something we want to expose?

Yes, and we can. We already feature-detect binary keys so we can just put the result of that in the manifest.

Ooh. We can also add levelup features like deferredOpen to the manifest. That could make merging levelup and abstract-leveldown smoother. E.g. we can implement deferred open in abstract-leveldown, have it declare supports.deferredOpen = true, then in levelup we'll do:

if (db.supports.deferredOpen) {
  // Use directly
} else {
  // Wrap with deferred-leveldown

Additional requirements can be discussed in https://github.com/Level/supports.

For overall progress, see #83.