
Macros / Actions / Shortcuts

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A lot of feature requests I get seem to follow a general theme, additionally a lot of features I plan can be fit into a certain paradigm.

  • Event happens
  • If said event meets certain criteria
  • Act on it.


I have been thinking about macros for a little while now. I see examples in some bots, but they seem to be overly complex or even over simplified.

I'm considering a pipeline approach which originates from an event (e.g, user earns points, message is posted, server is boosted).

It looks a little like this:
[Event] -> [Condition(s)] -> [Action(s)]

As far as user interface goes, I can't see a simple way to set it up in Discord. It could be a potential use-case for a web app of sorts using some code I've already written for Dobercorgi.



  • A user earns points
  • If their points are over a certain threshold
  • Then give them a role
  • Then remove any previous roles
  • Post a message in a specific channel


  • A message is sent
  • If the message contains a certain word
  • Reply to the message with one/many response(s) / delete the message / react to the message