
Updating to the latest release

legumbot opened this issue · 1 comments

If I have a successful installation of release 1.0.3, what would the best approach in updating it to the latest 1.0.4 release?
Or every release is expecting a fresh installation?
Given you have a monthly release this become an administrative task to be planned even for testing out features in ContraxSuite.

Also I may have overlooked but don't seem to find any manual on the web frontend in any of the documentation folder? Not even the most basic one?

Thanks for making an OS effort in this area.

@legumbot - Have you seen update-local.sh and update-remote.sh in the root folder of https://github.com/LexPredict/lexpredict-contraxsuite-deploy ?

To upgrade, a user has to

  1. go to that directory where he/she has installed -deploy package
  2. update it using git pull and git checkout 1.0.4 (and perhaps undo prev. changes otherwise git doesn't allow to pull)
  3. edit local/fabricrc or remote/fabrirc settings to ensure that all settings are right
  4. run update_local.sh or update_remote.sh script

The key thing is that a user should update -deploy to 1.0.4 without losing existing settings in the fabricrc file.