
Deployment Issues (>2.3)

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi All,

Has anyone been able to get the Contraxsuite docker swarm up and running?

Also does the text-extraction-system stack need to be run alongside the Contraxsuite stack? I ask as the nginx external conf references /text_extraction_system and proxy_pass http://tes-web-api:8000; but there is no call for this services within the any of the docker templates.

Thank You

Still struggling to get the Contraxsuite stack functionable.

I have the stack up and running but I am unable to access /explorer/ or /advanced/.
While /explorer/ hits a 404 dead-end, /advanced/ seems to hit a recursive redirect with nginx.

I presumed it was connected with rewrite ^/advanced(.*) /advanced$1 redirect; within the default.conf. Once this is commented out and rebuilt, I can now get to the login page through /advanced/, however, i'm now getting a csrf issue when providing the Admin login/pass: Administrator/Administrator

{"@timestamp": "2023-02-20T19:41:01.040060+00:00", "logger": "django.security.csrf", "level": "WARNING", "message": "Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.): /advanced/accounts/login/", "special_log_type": "cx"}

With regards to my other question on the text-extraction-system stack, I was able to see within the 2.0.0 documentation the below section stating the below. I have since pulled and deployed the master branch, however, when I navigate to and try parse a file through the UI i'm getting the below error

"POST /text_extraction_system/text_extraction_system/api/v1/data_extraction_tasks/ HTTP/1.1" 404 Not Found

any help would be appreciated.....
