
python comlipe error

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Cannot open source file: '..\src\AAMBasedCombinations.cpp': No such file or directory

when i look into the file and find no AAMBasedCombinations.cpp indeed,is there something missing?

"AAMBasedCombinations.cpp" is useless in AAMED, and has been deleted.

I have fix the bugs of compiling AAMED for python, you can upgrade this repository.

Also,you can delete the code "..\src\AAMBasedCombinations.cpp" in , and supplement the code as follows before 'void drawAAMED(unsigned char* _img_G, int irows, int icols, cv::Vec3b *_outImg)' in FLED.h

void drawAAMED(unsigned char* _img_G, int irows, int icols)
	Mat img_G = Mat(irows, icols, CV_8UC1, _img_G).clone();
	cvtColor(img_G, img_G, cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
	drawFLED(img_G, 0);

Then, you can compile AAMED successfully.

i made it ,many thanks

hi, I met the same error on debian 9, when I removed "..\src\AAMBasedCombinations.cpp", it shows

gcc: error: ..\src\Contours.cpp: No such file or directory
gcc: error: /TP: No such file or directory

oh, I forgot to replace the \ with / , and I remove /TP,then it works, thanks!