
Some German translations are missing, wrong, or not good

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I will list the current text first, then the improved version. Examples are given in the order of the demo video at

  • Address (in Person results): Adresse
  • Gender: Geschlecht
  • male: männlich (or simply abbreviate as "m")
  • Occupation: if this really means "occupation" you can say "Beruf". If it actually means "employer", say "Arbeitgeber". If it could mean any of these, say "Arbeit" or "Beschäftigung".
  • Work: see Occupation
  • Condition: Zustand
  • used: gebraucht
  • Location: Ort
  • Sorted by frequency: Sortiert nach Häufigkeit (shorter alternative: häufigste zuerst). BTW the list at 2:41 is not yet sorted by frequency.
  • Next: either "nächste Seite" (just "nächste" doesn't work well), or "weiter", or just a symbol like ">"
  • Page: Seite (I'd actually say "Seite 1 von 3" or short "Seite 1/3")