Pinned Repositories
This is an R package for developing CGE models, computing general equilibrium and simulating economic dynamics with structural dynamic models in LI (2019) "General Equilibrium and Structural Dynamics: Perspectives of New Structural Economics. Beijing: Economic Science Press".
This is an under-developing R package for simulating economic dynamics based on the new structural economics (see and structural dynamic models (see CGE package).
This is R (and Matlab) program to compute general equilibrium and simulate economic dynamics, which is outdated and replaced by R package CGE.
LiWuR's Repositories
This is an R package for developing CGE models, computing general equilibrium and simulating economic dynamics with structural dynamic models in LI (2019) "General Equilibrium and Structural Dynamics: Perspectives of New Structural Economics. Beijing: Economic Science Press".
This is an under-developing R package for simulating economic dynamics based on the new structural economics (see and structural dynamic models (see CGE package).
This is R (and Matlab) program to compute general equilibrium and simulate economic dynamics, which is outdated and replaced by R package CGE.