
Unable to open [object Object]: HTTP 0 attempting to load TileSource

mialondon opened this issue · 7 comments

This message has started to appear on all the Playbills tasks, even ones that were previously fine. I was using the site yesterday after Christian loaded new playbills and didn't spot the issue then.

Some examples:

I've checked and the IIIF service seems to be fine.

@harryjmoss could you take a quick look and see if there's anything obvious?

I can't get the message to appear in chrome for Windows 7, are you still seeing the error?

@harryjmoss I still see it on Firefox (Mac) but not on Safari. Possibly a CORS issue?

I'm still seeing it at home but not my work Mac.

I've asked on twitter to see if anyone else has the issue:

I haven't been able to reproduce this at the moment.

It's probably a privacy plugin issue - as long as it's not a CORS issue it's fine.

Seems to be a Privacy Badger issue.