
Allow openai compatible endoints

shuther opened this issue · 9 comments

Would it be possible to make the openai base url an environment variable (as well as the model name) so we could experiment with self hosted llm?

We are working on it and will update soon.

A quick hack is replacing the following in

            self.client = OpenAI(api_key=openai_dict["key"])


            self.client = OpenAI(
                api_key="not-needed", base_url="http://localhost:1234/v1"

If you dockerized it and are running on mac then you can use docker.for.mac.localhost instead of localhost.

Hacky Dockerfile in the root folder if that is helpful --- you would have to update the secret_dict.template Serper API value as well:

FROM python:3.9.16-bullseye
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y vim
ADD . / OpenFactVerification/
WORKDIR /OpenFactVerification
RUN cp /OpenFactVerification/factcheck/config/secret_dict.template /OpenFactVerification/factcheck/config/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
RUN python -m nltk.downloader punkt

ENTRYPOINT [ "python", "" ]

I'm thinking of connecting an additional evidence crawler to get around needing Serper:

Yes that is a good start; ideally it is a variable for the docker that we can adapt in the .env file. For the search api, it is definitely something interesting to leverage

The openai compatible endoints is supported in v0.0.2 see #8.
Docs will be updated soon.

so it is possible to switch between openai and anthropic; could we use ollama or anything else (so change the base url?)

so it is possible to switch between openai and anthropic; could we use ollama or anything else (so change the base url?)

The short answer is Yes.

  1. Export base URL and key
export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=... # this is required only if you want to replace openai with anthropic
export LOCAL_API_KEY=... # this is required only if you want to use local LLM
export LOCAL_API_URL=... # this is required only if you want to use local LLM
  1. Set your client and model name
    For Anthropic:
python -m factcheck --modal string --input "MBZUAI is the first AI university in the world" --model claude-3-opus-20240229 --prompt claude_prompt

For local hosted models

python -m factcheck --modal string --input "MBZUAI is the first AI university in the world" --client local_openai --model anyModel --prompt pathToPrompt.yaml

However, the prompt can be model-specific, especially if we ask the model to output a JSON format response. We have yet to have a chance to support all models, so you will have to adopt your own prompts when using models other than openai.

not sure if it is expected but LOCAL_API_URL needs to finish with a / (slash); it does not need to be the case usually, not sure why.

in the, I would recommend to apply 2 changes to support slower calls:


           # temperature=0.3,

Thank you for your suggestion and we believe use max_requests_per_minute to do the traffic control is effective.

For personalized model or API, the arguments will be variant a lot. We will leave comment here to note users.