
The term 'Freeze' is incorrectly applied to mean 'Lock'

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is with regards to the Dock Widgets document (links below).

GitHub Link
LibreCAD Docs Link

The term Freeze occurs only four times in the document (can be accessed via Ctrl+F).

At all four occurrences, its use is incorrect. Either that, or the software code is.
As @lordofbikes mentioned in LibreCAD Issue #1434, the term Freeze
means the visibility of a layer, which is how it is interpreted in the software code.
However, the docs relate that term with layer Lock. This is misleading.

Thank you very much. 😃

I never used any AutoCAD software, so I can't say if freeze is the usual word for hiding layers.
Just through other free CAD software I was aware that freeze is the synonym for show/hide layers. But this software used an ice crystal icon for freeze property which makes the relation between word and icon more obvious, but not necessarily about its function.
I think that for the most LibreCAD user the show/hide wording is more intuitive and this also matches with the 👁️ icon.
So I advocate to eliminate these 4 freeze occurrences in the manual.
It's just important for programmer to know that freeze means hide and this is already well documented in DXF references.

As @GSStnb mentioned correct in LibreCAD Issue #1434, freeze is used in context menus too. So changing source code has some drawbacks and we stay with freeze by now.

Anyhow we must adjust the manual, because freeze is used in the context of the padlock icon, for blocks and layers.
But it must be used in the context of the eye icon.