
Render MSCX file with MSS styles?

peteranglea opened this issue · 0 comments

It appears that in Musescore4, the score info (.mscx) and style info (.mss) are separate files now. The .mscz format combines both of these, along with other metadata, into a "zipped" binary file format. I can see that the load function here allows me to render either a .mscx or .mscz file (or musicxml, etc). The .mscx file ends up being largely unstyled with no apparent way to manipulate the style/layout. The .mscz file rendering works as expected, but isn't ideal for the purposes of the app I'm trying to develop since I'd like to be able to transform the XML info client-side and re-render it on the fly.

So my question is... is it possible to load an uncompressed .mscx or .musicxml file and apply a .mss style file to it (as an argument of some sort) before rendering? I don't know enough about the inner workings of Musescore to know if that's possible or not.